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We have the following guidance for versioning within our repositories.

Lock files

We check in lock files for all our projects. This is to ensure that we are all using the same versions of dependencies.This is especially important for our libraries, as we want to ensure that the version of a library that we are using is the same version that our consumers are using.

We lock two platform:

  1. linux_amd64 for our CI & Terraform Cloud agent platform
  2. darwin_amd64 for our local development platform -- note that arm support is not consistent enough for us to use that for local development. That may change in the future.

Locking can be performed with the following command:

terraform -chdir = "$TERRAFORM_DIR" providers lock -platform = darwin_amd64 -platform = linux_amd64

Where $TERRAFORM_DIR is the directory containing the Terraform code.

Provider Version Constraints

Here are the conventions we use when specifying the version of a given Terraform provider. The thought is that by having only minimum versions specified in our Terraform modules, we can update the provider version in a Terraform workspace without having to release new versions of our Terraform modules.

In general, when using version constraint pinning syntax, pin to the major version. e.g. version = "~> 3.5".

version = ">= 5.0.0, <6.0.0"

See here for details for how Terraform interprets version constraints.

Terraform Workspaces

Use major version pinning here. Use the ~> syntax to allow the rightmost version number to vary as new provider releases become available. e.g. version = "~> 3.5" which indicates any version is acceptable from the 3.x series, as long as the version is 3.5 or higher.

Terraform Modules

Use the >= syntax to allow the version specified to be a minimum. e.g. version = ">= 3.5.0" which indicates version 3.5.0 or later, including 3.6, 4.0, etc.

This is true unless we know that the module will not be compatible with a future version of the provider.

Tests within Terraform Modules

Use major version pinning here. Use the ~> syntax to allow the rightmost version number to vary as new provider releases become available. e.g. version = "~> 3.5" which indicates any version is acceptable from the 3.x series, as long as the version is 3.5 or higher.

CI Validation

We expect that repos will perform the following linting steps during the pre-commit and CI process.

  - repo:
    rev: v1.77.1
      - id: terraform_providers_lock
        stages: [commit]
          - --args=-platform=darwin_amd64
          - --args=-platform=linux_amd64